Name |
Birth |
Birthplace |
Death |
Place of death |
Notes |
Gatian |
301 |
Bishop of Tours |
Vitalis and Agricola |
301 |
Zoilus and 19 Companions |
301 |
Ampelus |
302 |
Anastasius, Anthony, Julian, Celsus and Marcionilla |
302 |
Antioch |
Apollo and Companions |
302 |
Cerneuf (Serenus the Gardener) |
302 |
Hesychius |
302 |
Julian of Antioch, Cilicia (Julian of Anazarbus) |
302 |
Julius of Dorostorum |
302 |
Palatias and Laurentia |
302 |
Trason |
302 |
Trophimus and Theophilus |
302 |
Verissimus |
302 |
Zeno |
302 |
Persecution under Diocletian and Galerius (303-324) begins |
20,000 Martyrs of Nicomedia |
303 |
Abdon and Sennen |
303 |
Agathius (Acacius of Byzantium) |
303 |
Aceolus and Acius |
303 |
Agathopus |
303 |
Ageranus |
303 |
Alphaeus |
303 |
Anectus (Anicetus) |
303 |
Anthimus of Nicomedia |
303 |
Anthimus of Rome |
303 |
Astericus, Claudius, and Neon (brothers) |
303 |
Augulus (Aule) |
303 |
London |
Benignus |
303 |
Todi, Umbria |
Calliopus |
303 |
Caprasius |
303 |
Bishop of Agen |
Carponius |
303 |
Cassius |
303 |
Claudius |
303 |
Cyriacus |
303 |
Dasius |
303 |
Denis (Dionysius) |
303 |
Bishop of Augsburg |
Devota |
303 |
Domnina |
303 |
Edistius |
303 |
Egdunus |
303 |
Eleutherius |
303 |
Ephysius |
303 |
Erasmus of Formiae (Saint Elmo) |
303 |
Bishop of Formiae |
Eulalia |
289 |
303 |
Euphemia |
303 |
Euphrasia of Nicomedia |
303 |
Fabius |
303 |
Fausta and Evilasius |
303 |
Felicissimus |
303 |
Felix of Thibiuca |
303 |
Bishop of Thibiuca |
Firmina |
303 |
Fortunata |
303 |
Fortunatus |
303 |
Genesius of Arles |
303 |
George |
303 |
Glycerius |
303 |
Guy |
303 |
Heradius |
303 |
Hesychius of Antioch |
303 |
Honoratus |
303 |
John of Nicomedia (Euthis) |
303 |
Julitta |
303 |
Justus of Trieste |
303 |
Luxorius, Cisellus, and Camerinus |
303 |
Lybe |
303 |
Martyrs of Cappadocia |
303 |
Maximus |
303 |
Mennas (Menuas) |
303 |
Migdonius and Mardonius |
303 |
Nabor and Felix |
303 |
Olympiades |
303 |
Pancharius |
303 |
Paphnutius |
303 |
Papias and Maurinus |
303 |
Papius |
303 |
Peter of Nicomedia |
303 |
Philoterus |
303 |
Phocas the Gardener |
303 |
Polycarp of Alexandria |
303 |
Sabinus and companions |
303 |
Saturninus |
303 |
Sergius and Bacchus |
303 |
Sergius and Companions |
303 |
Theodosia and Companions |
303 |
Tiberius |
303 |
Timolaus and Companions |
303 |
Victor Maurus (Victor the Moor) |
303 |
Vincent |
303 |
Bishop of Bevagna |
Zeno and Chanton |
303 |
Zeno |
303 |
Zosimus and Athanasius |
303 |
Abundius and Abundantius and Companions |
304 |
Rome, Italy |
Adauctus |
304 |
Adrian of Nicomedia |
304[1] |
Also known as "Hadrian of Nicomedia"[1] |
Afra |
304 |
Agape |
304 |
Anastasia of Sirmium |
304 |
Anastasius the Fuller |
304 |
Andronicus |
304 |
Ansanus |
304 |
Anysia |
304 |
Apronian |
304 |
Arcadius |
304 |
Athenodorus |
304 |
*Azas and Companions |
304 |
Barlaam |
304 |
Basilissa (Basilla) |
304 |
Bassa and Companions |
304 |
Cantius |
304 |
Capitolina |
304 |
Carterius |
304 |
Centola and Helen |
304 |
Charitina of Amisus |
304 |
Christina of Bolsena |
304 |
Crispina |
304 |
Cucuphas (Cucufate, Cugat, Guinefort, Qaqophas) |
304 |
Cyprian and Justina |
304 |
Dalmatius |
304 |
Bishop of Pavia |
Diomedes |
304 |
Dionysius |
304 |
Domninus (Domnino) |
304 |
Donatus, Romulus, Secundian, and 86 Companions |
304 |
Emerentiana |
304 |
Emygdius (Emidius) |
304 |
Encratis (Engracia, Encratia, Encratide) |
304 |
Eulalia of Merida |
304 |
Euplus (Euplius) |
304 |
Faustus |
304 |
Febronia |
284 |
304 |
Felix and Adauctius |
304 |
Felix of Spoleto |
304 |
Bishop of Spoleto |
Ferreolus |
304 |
Fidelis of Como |
304 |
Flavian |
304 |
Florian |
304 |
Hermes |
304 |
Hilaria |
304 |
Irenaeus |
304 |
Bishop of Sirmium (present day Sremska Mitrovica) |
Irene of Thessalonica |
304 |
John and Marcianus |
304 |
Rome, Italy |
Julia of Merida |
304 |
Julian of Auvergne (Julian of Brioude) |
304 |
Justus and Pastor |
304 |
Leocadia |
304 |
Lucy |
304 |
Marcellinus |
304 |
Marcellus, Mammaea, and Companions |
304 |
Margaret of Antioch |
304 |
Martyrs of Saragossa |
304 |
Maxima |
304 |
Maximus |
304 |
Menodora, Metrodora, and Nymphodora |
304 |
Modestus |
304 |
Montanus and Maxima |
304 |
Mucius (Mocius) |
304 |
Optatus and 17 companions |
304 |
Orentius |
304 |
Orestes |
304 |
Pancras |
304 |
Pelagia of Tarsus |
304 |
Philip |
304 |
Bishop of Heraclea |
Philomena |
304 |
Pollio |
304 |
Quadratus |
304 |
Bishop of Anatolia |
Quiriacus and Julitta |
304 |
Tarsus, Roman Empire |
Quirinus |
304 |
Bishop of Siscia |
Romanus of Antioch |
304 |
Rufus and Companions |
304 |
Saturninus, Dativus, and Companions |
304 |
Saturninus |
304 |
Secundus |
304 |
Sergius |
304 |
Severus |
304 |
Simplicius |
304 |
Soteris |
304 |
Tation |
304 |
Tharacus (Taracus) |
239 |
304 |
Theodora and Didymus |
304 |
Theodota |
304 |
Theodotus of Ancyra and companions |
304 |
Timothy |
304 |
Bishop of Gaza |
Trophimus and Eucarpius |
304 |
Ursicius |
304 |
Valentine, priest and martyr, and Hilary |
304 |
Victor, Stercntius, and Antigones |
304 |
Victoria and Anatolia |
304 |
Victorinus |
304 |
Bishop of Pettau (now Styria) |
Vincent of Collioure |
304 |
Vincent of Saragossa |
304 |
Vulpian |
304 |
Zambdas (Bazas, Zabdas) |
304 |
Bishop of Jerusalem |
Zenobius |
304 |
Agapius |
305 |
Aphian |
286 |
305 |
Anicetus |
305 |
Apollonius |
305 |
Athenogenes and Companions |
305 |
Castus and Secundinus |
305 |
Dioscurus |
305 |
Hermolaus |
305 |
Januarius |
305 |
Bishop of Benevento |
Juliana of Nicomedia |
305 |
Julius and Aaron |
305 |
Pantaleon |
305 |
Paul, Heraclius, and Companions |
305 |
Pelagia the Penitent |
305 |
Philemon and Apollonius |
305 |
Restitutus |
305 |
Servandus and Cermanus |
305 |
Thecia |
305 |
Theodora |
305 |
Valentine |
305 |
Bishop of Trier |
Valerian |
305 |
Bishop of Auxerre |
Vincent, Orontius, and Victor |
305 |
Aedesius |
306 |
Agapius |
306 |
Antonina |
306 |
Cyrenia and Juliana |
306 |
Four Crowned Martyrs |
306 |
Lucretia |
306 |
Plato |
306 |
Secundinus |
306 |
Asteria |
307 |
Catherine of Alexandria |
307 |
Cyriaca and Five Companions |
307 |
Maternus |
307 |
Bishop of Milan |
Meuris and Thea |
307 |
Phileas |
307 |
Bishop of Thumis |
Valentine |
307 |
Bishop of Genoa |
Varus |
307 |
Agathangelus and Clement |
308 |
Cleonicus |
308 |
Paul of Gaza |
308 |
Platonides |
308 |
Thea and Valentina |
308 |
Thea |
308 |
Theodosia |
308 |
Basilissa |
300 |
309 |
Caesarius |
309 |
Crescentian |
309 |
Daniel |
309 |
Eusebius |
309 |
pope |
Julian of Caesarea |
309 |
Julius of Novara |
309 |
Marcellus I |
309 |
pope |
Pamphilus, priest and martyr, and Companions |
309 |
Saturninus, priest and martyr, and Sisinius |
309 |
Theodulus |
309 |
Valens |
309 |
Adrian and Eubulus |
310 |
Domnina |
310 |
Dulas (Tatian Dulas) |
310 |
Eleutherius |
310 |
Eulampius and Eulampia |
310 |
Maximus |
310 |
Peleus and Companions |
310 |
Peleusius |
310 |
Pierius |
310 |
Theodore |
310 |
Bishop of Cyrene |
Tyrannio, Zenobius, and Companions |
304 |
310 |
Aquila |
311 |
Arian and Companions |
311 |
Dorothy |
311 |
Eudoxius, Zeno, and Companions |
311 |
Faustus |
311 |
Methodius |
311 |
Bishop of Olympus |
Pastor |
311 |
Pelagia of Antioch |
311 |
Peter Balsam |
311 |
Peter |
311 |
Bishop of Alexandria |
Savina |
311 |
Adauctus |
312 |
Basiliscus |
312 |
Bishop of Comana |
Brictus |
312 |
Bishop of Martola |
Lucian of Antioch |
312 |
Mennas |
312 |
Paschasius |
312 |
Bishop of Vienne |
Achillas |
313 |
Bishop of Alexandria |
Antonina and Alexander |
313 |
Mellon (Mallonius, Mellouns, Melanius) |
314 |
Bishop of Rouen |
Miltiades (Melchiades) |
314 |
pope |
Mitrius (Merre, Metre, Mitre) |
314 |
Verus |
314 |
Bishop of Vienne |
Carterius |
315 |
Hermylus |
315 |
Stratonicus |
315 |
Valerius |
315 |
Bishop of Saragossa |
Blaise |
316 |
Bishop of Sebastea |
Mirocles (Merocles) |
316 |
Theodota of Philippolis |
318 |
Basileus |
319 |
Bishop of Amasea |
Cleopatra |
319 |
Argeus |
320 |
Christina (Nino) |
320 |
Cyrinus |
320 |
Cyrion, Candidus, and companions |
320 |
Forty Holy Martyrs of Sabaste |
320 |
Leontius, Maurice, Daniel, and companions |
320 |
Phocas of Antioch |
320 |
Severian |
320 |
Valerius |
320 |
Bishop of Trier |
Auxentius |
321 |
Bishop of Mopsuestia |
Abibus |
323 |
Gurias and Samonas |
323 |
Glaphyra |
324 |
Philogonius |
324 |
Bishop of Antioch |
Romana |
324 |
After the Roman persecutions |
Hypatius of Gangra |
325 |
Bishop of Gangra |
Metrophanes |
325 |
Bishop of Byzantium |
Palaemon |
325 |
Theodotus |
325 |
Bishop of Cyrenia |
Apollonius |
326 |
Bishop of Benevento |
Epipodius and Alexander |
326 |
Zanitas and companions |
326 |
Jonas, Barachisius, and companions |
327 |
Alexander |
250 |
328 |
Bishop of Alexandria |
Agrecius (Agritius) |
329 |
Achillas (Achilles, Achillius) |
330 |
Bishop of Larissa |
Gregory the Enlightener |
330 |
Bishop of Ashtishat |
Helena |
330 |
Theodore Trichinas |
330 |
Ammon |
332 |
Macarius I |
334 |
Bishop of Jerusalem |
Rheticus |
334 |
Bishop of Autun |
Theodotus |
334 |
Bishop of Laodicea |
Basil |
335 |
Bishop of Bologna |
Heliodorus |
335 |
Bishop of Mesopotamia |
Sylvester I |
335 |
Pope |
Mark |
336 |
Pope |
Constantine the Great |
337 |
Leontius |
337 |
Bishop of Cuesaren |
Eustathius of Antioch |
338 |
James (Jacob) |
338 |
Bishop of Nisibis |
Paul the Simple |
339 |
Alexander |
340 |
Bishop of Constantinople |
Cassian |
340 |
Bishop of Benevento |
Gudelia |
340 |
Macrina the Elder |
340 |
Potamon |
340 |
Milles |
341 |
Simeon Barsabae and Companions |
341 |
Usthazanes |
341 |
Abdiesus (Hebed Jesus) |
342 |
Barsabas |
342 |
Martyrs of Alexandria |
342 |
Paul the First Hermit |
229 |
342 |
Sadoth and 128 companions |
342 |
Mamelta (Mamelchtina) |
343 |
Nerses |
343 |
Olympius |
343 |
Bishop of Enos |
Paternian |
343 |
Bishop of Fano |
John and James |
344 |
Abraham |
345 |
Bishop of Arbela |
Acyndinus and Companions |
345 |
Ananias the Persian |
345 |
Aphrahat (Aphraates) "the Persian Sage" |
ca.270 |
ca.345 |
Martyrs of Persia |
345 |
Tarbula (Tarba, Tarbo) |
345 |
Timothy and Diogenes |
345 |
Barbasymas and Companions |
346 |
Paris |
346 |
Bishop of Teano |
Maximinus |
347 |
Bishop of Trier |
Pachomius |
347 |
Ursicinus |
347 |
Bishop of Brescia |
Spiridion |
348 |
Ammon |
350 |
Cassian |
350 |
Bishop of Autun |
James of Nisibis |
350 |
Lucius |
350 |
Bishop of Adrianople |
Maximus |
350 |
Bishop of Jerusalem |
Myron |
350 |
Nicholas |
350 |
Bishop of Myra |
Paul |
313 |
350 |
Bishop of Constantinople |
Zoticus |
350 |
Julius I |
352 |
Pope |
Amand of Strasbourg |
290 |
355 |
Barhadbesciabas (Barhadbesaba) |
355 |
Amasius |
356 |
Bishop of Teano |
Anthony |
251 |
356 |
Joseph of Palestine |
356 |
Paphnutius the Great |
356 |
Serapion the Sindonite |
356 |
Sarmata |
357 |
Secundus, priest and martyr, and Companions |
357 |
Arsacius |
358 |
Paulinus |
358 |
Phrygia |
Bishop of Trier |
Dionysius |
359 |
Bishop of Milan |
Abra |
342 |
360 |
Abraham Kidunaja |
360 |
Carina, Melasippus, and Antony (wife, husband, son) |
360 |
Ia and Companions |
360 |
Alexander |
361 |
Domitius |
361 |
Onesimus |
361 |
Bishop of Soissons |
Pelinus |
361 |
Basil of Ancyra |
362 |
Dometius of Persia (Domitius) |
362 |
Dorotheus of Tyre |
362 |
Eliphius (Eloff) |
362 |
Elpidius |
362 |
Emilian |
362 |
Eusignius |
252 |
362 |
Antioch |
Flavian |
362 |
Gemellus |
362 |
Gordian |
362 |
Heliodorus |
362 |
John and Paul |
362 |
John |
362 |
Leopardus |
362 |
Macedonius |
362 |
Pigmenius |
362 |
Porphyrius |
362 |
Primus and Donatus |
362 |
Theodoret of Antioch |
362 |
Timothy |
362 |
Blessed Dafrosa |
362 |
Bibiana (Viviana) |
363 |
Demetria |
363 |
Juventinus and Maximinus |
363 |
Patermuthius |
363 |
Paul and Companions |
364 |
Astericus |
365 |
Petra, Roman Empire |
Bishop of Petra |
Isidora the Simple |
365 |
Florence |
366 |
Abraham the Poor (Abraham the Child) |
367 |
Hilary |
315 |
367 |
Bishop of Poitiers |
Juvenal |
367 |
Bishop of Narni |
Dadas |
368 |
Caesarius of Nazianzus |
369 |
Bathus and Companions |
370 |
Julian |
370 |
Justin |
370 |
Publia |
370 |
Serapion the Scholastic (Serapion of Arsinoc) |
370 |
Bishop of Thmuis |
Triphyllius (Tryphillius) |
370 |
Bishop of Nicosia |
Eusebius |
283 |
371 |
Bishop of Vercelli |
Zeno |
371 |
Bishop of Verona |
Gorgonia |
372 |
Hilarion |
292 |
372 |
Moses |
372 |
Bishop of the Saracens |
Sabas the Goth |
372 |
Athanasius |
296 |
373 |
Bishop of Alexandria |
Ephrem the Syrian |
306 |
373 |
Nerses I (Nerses the Great) |
330 |
373 |
Marcellinus of Embrun |
374 |
Nonna |
374 |
Nicetas the Goth |
375 |
Victor |
375 |
Bishop of Piacenza |
Acepsimas |
376 |
Bishop of Hnaita |
Bademus |
376 |
Hilary |
376 |
Bishop of Pavia |
Joseph of Persia |
376 |
Julian Sabas the Elder |
377 |
Maximus |
378 |
Bishop of Mainz |
Viator of Bergamo |
378 |
Bishop of Bergamo |
Basil the Great |
329 |
379 |
Bishop of Caesarea |
Eusebius of Samosata |
379 |
Irene |
379 |
Macrina the Younger |
330 |
379 |
Satyrus |
330 |
379 |
Bretannion |
380 |
Bishop of Tomi |
Frumentius |
380 |
Bishop of Ethiopia |
Hesychius |
380 |
Milles |
380 |
Orsiesius (Orsisius) |
380 |
Publius |
380 |
Ursicinus |
380 |
Bishop of Sens |
Vincent |
380 |
Bishop of Digne |
Meletius |
381 |
Pelagius |
381 |
Bishop of Laodicea |
Blaesilla |
383 |
Ursula |
383 |
Damasus I |
305 |
384 |
Pope |
Lea of Rome |
384 |
Maximus and Victorinus |
384 |
Servatus (Servatius, Servais) |
384 |
Bishop of Tongres |
Melas |
385 |
Bishop of Rhinocolura |
Romanus of Le Mans |
385 |
Brito (Britonius) |
386 |
Bishop of Trier |
Cyril |
315 |
386 |
Bishop of Jerusalem |
Helladius of Auxerre |
387 |
Bishop of Auxerre |
Monica |
322 |
387 |
Optatus |
387 |
Bishop of Milevis |
Philastrius (Philaster, Filaster) |
387 |
Bishop of Brescia |
Florus |
389 |
Bishop of Lodève |
Gregory Nazianzen |
329 |
389 |
Bishop of Constantinople |
Marcellus of Apamaea |
389 |
Valerian of Aquileia |
389 |
Bishop of Aquileia |
Abraham of Carrhae |
390 |
Donatian |
390 |
Bishop of Reims |
Felix of Como |
390 |
Bishop of Como |
Justus of Lyons |
390 |
Liborius |
390 |
Bishop of Le Mans |
Macarius of Egypt |
300 |
391 |
Martyrs of the Serapeum |
390 |
Pacian |
390 |
Bishop of Barcelona |
Palladius |
390 |
Pambo |
390 |
Sabinian and Potentian |
390 |
Urban |
390 |
Bishop of Langres |
Viator |
390 |
Vitalina |
390 |
Peter II of Sebastea |
345 |
392 |
Bishop of Sebastea (Silvas) |
Phaebadius (Fiari) |
392 |
Bishop of Agen |
John of Egypt |
305 |
394 |
Macarius of Alexandria |
394 |
Martyrs of Chalcedon |
394 |
Apollo |
305 |
395 |
Gregory of Nyssa |
335 |
395 |
Menna (Manna) |
395 |
Pior |
395 |
Theonas of Egypt |
395 |
Artemius |
396 |
Bishop of Clermont |
Crescentius |
396 |
Geminian |
396 |
Ambrose |
340 |
397 |
Bishop of Milan |
Lawrence of Novara |
397 |
Martin of Tours |
316 |
397 |
Bishop of Tours |
Sisinnius |
397 |
Siricius |
399 |
pope |
Alban |
400 |
Almachius (Telemachus) |
400 |
Amphilochius |
339 |
400 |
Bishop of Iconium |
Apollinaris Syncletica |
316 |
400 |
Fortunatus |
400 |
Liberalis |
400 |
Pamphilus |
400 |
Bishop of Capua |
Rufus of Metz |
400 |
Bishop of Metz |
Venantius |
400 |
Viventius |
400 |
Zeno |
400 |
Bishop of Gaza |